First geocache in Scotland
Glasgow - River Clyde
BBC Scotland building on River Clyde
The SECC - where Will went to the conference
First waterfall seen on the way to Fort William
This is the Neptune's Staircase, which is the longest staircase lock in the United Kingdom, and lifts boats 64 feet (19.5 metres). The Harry Potter steam train was just passing by
At the Neptune's Staircase, on a rainy day in July
After our geocaching mission was accomplished
On a different geocaching mission, this time on the seashore of Mallaig, after a very nice recommended trip from Fort William to Mallaig
Glenfinnan Viaduct, known also as Harry Potter viaduct as scenes from the movie were filmed here.
Glefinnan Monument, a very scenic and historic place
Maria enjoying a sunny evening in Fort William
Cheeky monkey
We were so pleased that the sun finally came out
Maria running around
enjoying the green grass
Taking a break under the umbrella, but no rain (yeah!)
"Do we still need the umbrella?"