Friday, 30 January 2009

Badminton and Visit

Last Saturday we finished painting the kitchen and then went to Salisbury. On the way there we stopped for a geocache and found another travel bug, enjoying a nice countryside walk.

On Sunday, we decided to try again my physical abilities, after the disaster on the first badminton practice last Thursday and we invited our friends Priscilla and Richard to play some games. We had fun and enjoyed the games. Hopefully I will get back in shape soon. Maria and Sam joined their parents on the badminton court and my mum was watching them while we played.

After the games, we went to Priscilla, Richard and Sam's. We had a nice dinner and enjoyed playing with the little ones. Here are some pictures of Maria and Sam. Sam is one week older than Maria.
"How comfy it is!"
"Thank you, Sam for letting me sit in your seat!"
"Where is Sam?"
"Here I am, Sam I am!"
Impressively strong neck muscles

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