Summer is on the way out, the leaves are falling, the rain seems more and its getting chillier. The veggies are almost all gone apart from the many leeks and marrows that are still going strong, I guess we will be eating a lot of leeks this winter!
Maria is now 9 months and a half and she is crawling everywhere, still in her unique style, as I explained in a previous thread. She started saying "mama", "dede", "nene" and other consonant-vowel combination. She is extremely excited about the leaves moving in the wind and the grass and loves to spend time in the garden (daddy's girl). Many times she crawls in the kitchen and stands up, hanging onto the door, looking outside in the garden and "asking" me to take her outside.

"I love my swing"

Maria in her swing and the plants in the background.
At the end of August we visited our friends in Wales and spent a few days in Cardiff area, going geocaching and visiting museums and parks. We stopped at the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff to take some pictures.

At the Millenium Stadium: the England mosaic and its representatives

and the Romanian mosaic and its representative

Maria and daddy went geocaching along the river

with the stadium in the background

in Cardiff harbour on a rainy day

visiting our friends, Corina, Jamie and Eric and their new baby, Finley

Maria playing with Eric

Eric was so sweet showing Maria his and Finley's toys and playing with her. Thanks, Eric!

"Back home, playing with my toys and practicing some gymnastics"

"Gosh, this hair gets into my eyes"

Meeting with babies and mums in our group

Maria and Ben

Sam and Priscilla's visit

Maria and daddy on a swing

and by myself

Daddy's time at the playground

Maria and her friend, Sam going to the playground together

and going to the sensory room (thanks Priscilla and Lylda for taking us there)

"I love this place"
Before our trip to Wales, we went to visit Grannie Mary and Granddad Peter. We had a lovely time, celebrating granddad's birthday and seeing also uncle Ed, who flew over from France, auntie Katie and uncle Ron. The day after, we went to the Eastbourne airshow with Mary, Peter and Ed. Here are some pictures from the day.

Flying in formation

Maria, granddad and grannie waiting for the next act

The whole family enjoying a nice windy day and the airplanes
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